We’re closing in on the end of the year (and the end of the decade!), which means it’s definitely time to start goal setting if you haven’t already.
Setting SMART Goals
Research shows that we’re more likely to achieve goals if we set a specific goal rather than a broad one. For example, you might say one of your 2020 work goals is to connect more with customers, but what does that actually look like? When work gets busy and you’re running around, will that be easy to remember and do in an organized way?
Setting a SMART goal gives you something more concrete to work towards:
Specific – Instead of a broad idea, what specifically do you want to achieve?
Measurable – Your goal needs to be something you can measure, so you can track your progress and have something concrete to work towards. What evidence will show you’ve attained your goal?
Achievable – You should be able to accomplish your goal in a reasonable timeframe. Are there other things which will need to be done before you can focus on this particular one? If so, perhaps those should those be your primary goal.
Relevant – Is your goal relevant to the work you’re doing, your values, and your big-picture, long-term goals?
Time-Based – Think through what would be a reasonable amount of time to complete your goal and give yourself a deadline to work towards.
Once you think through these aspects, your organization goal might look something more like: “In the next six months I will plan and execute 6 customer webinars with 10+ attendees and 80%+ satisfied/very satisfied rate.”
Setting Goals with OKRs
OKRs are a set of one Objective and (x number of) Key Results. They are generally set quarterly, although you can set ones for shorter/longer timeframes if you want. Objectives are high level goals for your business – you generally set 3-5 per quarter. Key Results are the metrics and values to reach which will get you to your Objective.
If your Objective is “increase revenue in the company,” your key results might be 1) Convert 50 prospective customers to paying customers by the end of Q1, 2) Increase customer retention from 40% to 60%.
2020 Preparation
As you’re preparing for 2020, get your whole organization on board with your company SMART goals and OKRs. Everyone should be able to identify what key results they can be responsible for to get the whole team to reach their goals.
If your 2020 goals involve HIPAA compliance, schedule a free 15 minute consultation and let us help you reach your goals in the new year!